Artist Kim Swartz on the couch. See his charcoal arts and contact him here.

about/contact me

My name is Kim, and I'm a creator from Sweden. I create charcoal drawings of the male body in a masculine style, and absolutely enjoy every minute of it.

Why the male body? I create what sparks my curiosity and silhouettes that appeal to me. I am drawn to the strong that carries a vulnerability. I think everything I do is a reflection of my own journey through life. Through joy, hardship and sexuality.

My dream with my art is to decorate as many beautiful homes as possible. I want you to look at what I've created and let your thoughts wander for a while. It is a connecting feeling that my art can be found in countries and cities where I myself have never been.

If you have any questions regarding commissions, or just want to reach out, don't hesitate to contact me.

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